

Exhibition at Tingsalene, kunstbygningen Tinghuset, november - December, Ebeltoft


Group exhibition at Gallery Oxholm, 8 march to ?, Køge

Group exhibition at Gallery Lowlands, April, Copenhagen

Upcoming art project / Mott & Hintze

Exhibition at Scandinavian Tobacco, november - December, Assens

Exhibition at Indorama Ventures, November - December, Varde


Participate with a solo exhibition at Haas-Meincke, February, Skovlunde

Solo exhibition at Usserød School from April to June, Hørsholm

Group exhibition at Designermarked 4.- 5. of May, Tunnelfabrikken, Nordhavn/Copenhagen


Participate with an art video together with Jesper Jensen, at Taarnby Performance & Art Festival in November, Taarnby

Exhibition at Café Hyggestund September - December, Birkerød

Artist at Heike Arndt Gallery in Kettinge/Lolland

Participate with a solo exhibition at Lederne, April - May, Copenhagen S

Participate with a solo exhibition at Orifarm, March, Odense


Exhibition at Café Hyggestund November - December, Birkerød

Participate in group exhibition at Heike Arndt Gallery in Kettinge/Lolland May - December

Participate with an art video together with Jesper Jensen, at Taarnby Performance & Art Festival from 14-18 of June, Taarnby

Participate with a soloexhibition in june, Bonniers, Copenhagen

Participate in a groupshow, censorship, October 2021 to April 2022, Heike Arndt Gallery, Kettinge/Lolland


Participate in a groupshow, censorship, October 2021 to April 2022, Heike Arndt Gallery, Kettinge/Lolland

Part of the annual art book release in September, 101 new artists in Denmark

Participate in a groupshow, censorship, June to September, Heike Arndt Gallery, Berlin, Germany

Participate in Taarnby Art Festival, with video art 8. - 12. of June, Taarnby


Solo exhibition, November, Frederiksberg City Hall, Frederiksberg

Group show with Adgang Forbudt and Ida Jas, art fair, October, Lokomotivværkstedet, Copenhagen

Solo exhibition, September, ASE, Copenhagen



Solo exhibition, October, Scandinavian Tobacco, Søborg

Solo exhibition, September, Haldor Topsoe, Lyngby

Solo exhibition, May - June, DSB, Taastrup

Group exhibition with Adgang Forbudt, February - March, Geo, Lyngby





Solo exhibition, December, Deloitte, Copenhagen


Solo exhibition, November - December, Lederne, Copenhagen


Solo exhibition, October - November, GEUS, Copenhagen